The Chalets are beautiful and close to the sea
A beautiful sunset by the Dead Sea
Floating and enjoying the sticky and salty waters of the dead sea, not sure what Suni thought thou ? 🙂
Suni with her favourite Kalamkari dress by Gorgeous You
Suni with her favourite Kalamkari dress by Gorgeous You
Rock formation over millions of years
Blue skies and the green waters, what a lovely contrasts
Chalets with a view worth it.
Located in the middle of the bio sphere, its a stay that we can never forget.
The refurbished locomotive sitting at this desert station invokes the memory of the century-old conflict that helped shape the modern Middle East
Inside one of the refurbished compartment with wooden seating
Sand art created by nature
Exploring the Wadi Rum desert in style.
A view towards Saudia Arabia
Beautiful Camels and Suni had to do a pose with them
The rock formations and crevices could have been formed by water millions of years ago.
Exploring the canyons in the desert
A play of light and shadows and the shades of sand provide a vivid scene.
Rock formations near the Lawrence of Arabia site.
Layers of rock formations provide a nice scene
The camel said - “Follow me and I will show you the Oasis” We were on top of a small rocky hill when we saw a bedouin with his camels walking towards us, quickly went a few steps down and took a suitable position to compose a shot where the camels line up with the up hill sand mound and the leading lines around them point to the direction of the travel, and it all came up as envisioned.
On the sand dunes of Rum
Suni at Wadi Rum
The treasury view beautifully appears from between the rocks
Rose red wonder carved on the rock face, the majestic Treasury
Ad Deir, or the Monastery is one of the largest monuments in Petra. This was used as a biclinium for the meetings of religious associations.
The Royal Tombs, magnificent facades adjacent to each other with towering structures.
Colourful ceiling designs adorn the high place of sacrifice.
The Siq leads the way along multi coloured rocks and high ridges to the main Treasury.
The Siq leads the way along multi coloured rocks and high ridges to the main Treasury.
The narrow gorge leads visitors into Petra. the Siq resulted from a natural splitting of the mountain and is 1.2km long.
The main treasury glows in the warm light of more than a hundred candles.
The path to the treasury is lit by candles in paper bags leads you to the main treasury
The path to the treasury is lit by candles in paper bags leads you to the main treasury
The dance of the birds
The Arabian Oryx part of the conservation project in the wetlands
The Arabian Oryx part of the conservation project in the wetlands
Roman temple of Hercules
The Oval plaza
Southern theatre
Temple of Artemis
The towering Corinthian columns
The Arabian Oryx part of the conservation project in the wetlands
Rock carvings can be found all along the siq trail.
Orangish red sands of Wadi Rum.
Orangish red sands of Wadi Rum.
Exploring the Khazali canyon
Exploring the Khazali canyon
The textures in the rocks could tell a million years of stories